Hydrogen Cyanimide ‘Safe to Use’ for kiwifruit growers

Hi-Cane ban to enhance or reduce national wellbeing? TDB’s latest National Wellbeing Analysis assesses the wellbeing impacts of the EPA’s proposed ban on the use of Hydrogen Cyanamide (Hi-Cane). Our findings were presented recently to the EPA Decision Making Panel on behalf of New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers [...]

Hi-Cane ban to enhance or reduce national wellbeing?

Hi-Cane ban to enhance or reduce national wellbeing? TDB’s latest National Wellbeing Analysis assesses the wellbeing impacts of the EPA’s proposed ban on the use of Hydrogen Cyanamide (Hi-Cane). Our findings were presented recently to the EPA Decision Making Panel on behalf of New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers [...]

Continued decline in smoking rates

Continued decline in smoking rates Last year TDB Advisory and Infometrics undertook a cost-effectiveness review of the controversial Smoked Tobacco Amendment Act. Our report projected that smoking rates were already declining to the point that the country did not need a ban to achieve the Smokefree national target. The results of the latest [...]

Cost-effectiveness Review of Tobacco Regulation

Cost-effectiveness Review of Tobacco Regulation In pursuit of the Smokefree 2025 Goal, the recently legislated Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Act 2022 made three significant changes to tobacco regulation in New Zealand: decreasing the number of smoked tobacco retailers by over 90%; reducing the [...]

Financial harm to kiwifruit growers

Financial harm to kiwifruit growers In a report for Zespri, TDB estimated the financial impact that the Environmental Protection Authority’s proposal to end the use of Hydrogen Cyanamide would have on individual New Zealand kiwifruit growers. Our analysis uses orchard production information (e.g., hectares of different fruit [...]

Gambling – A cost or a benefit?

Gambling – A cost or a benefit? Gambling is a form of entertainment subject to much debate. Gambling provides enjoyment for many, problems for some and is a source of funding for others. Despite its controversy, the majority of studies to date look solely at one side [...]

Abuse in Care

Abuse in Care TDB Advisory was asked by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care to undertake an independent peer review of a draft report by MartinJenkins. The MartinJenkins report was tasked with estimating the prevalence of abuse in State care and faith-based organisations between [...]

Becoming smoke-free

Becoming smoke-free It is looking unlikely that New Zealand will be smoke-free by 2025. Although smoking rates have declined since 2011, they still remain high, particularly among Maori and Pacific. At the current rates, we predict smoking will persist well into the second half of the century. [...]

National cost-benefit analysis

National cost-benefit analysis National Cost-Benefit Analysis (NCBA) is a well-established and internationally recognised means for assisting social decision making. NCBA has been used by the World Bank since at least the 1950s and is often used by TDB Advisory in the present day. Cost-benefit analysis is applicable [...]